Omnishopper | insight / Social media commerce
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Social media commerce

The consumer is increasingly faced with a plurality of channels and means through which to make purchasing choices.

A growing phenomenon in many countries, especially in China and the United States, concerns the possibility of purchasing products directly from social networks. In 2020, in the United States, there was a 37.9% increase in sales on social networks, and many companies are starting to include social media in their business strategy.


The purpose of a brand is always to be present at the right time and at the right place to meet the consumers’ needs. Much of the traffic to websites comes from social media, and companies must know how to use their profiles as the first point of contact with their audience. Furthermore, it is essential to rethink the sales funnel by including the company’s social profiles.



Figure1: social commerce sales funnel



The upper section of the funnel is dedicated to brand visibility and awareness among online users: social media have the function of discovery and research; that’s why quality images and detailed content becomes essential.


At the intermediate level of the sales funnel, social media have an informative function: content can include details such as price, ingredients, influencer testimonials that capture the consumer’s attention by influencing their behaviour, up to “shoppable content“.


The last level of the sales funnel refers to the time of purchase. In the case of social media, this is not always the case… According to a survey presented by eMarketer, 57.8% of users declare to go to the retailer’s website to complete the final purchase phase. Although people spend most of the day on social media, they prefer to buy products in online retail.

The phenomenon of social commerce is of significant impact in determining purchase choices. Companies must pay attention to the growing importance of social media as a touchpoint of awareness and consideration to ensure that products enter users’ minds with the ultimate long-term goal of increasing conversions.




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